FOR MORE FURTHER INFO PVT : galang_ | yakuza_bhe | ph-team

Saturday, 29 September 2012


through the process to be better than before, finally ph-bot, performing with a new menu, below features of the ph-bot


managed by : paris_hilton... | zzy

features :

  •  entering 5 rooms auto chat
  • can add own text auto chat
  • can add own update status 
  • setting presence busy / away / online / offline
  • auto answer private
  • more safety than old version 
  • keep id online 24/7 
  • arabic text support

for register please pvt our PH merchants or join our official room "PH TEAM" 

Thursday, 27 September 2012


i am very happy, i can finally introduce PH-SAVIOR, this bot has 5 features in 1 bot,by using more simple command.


managed by : paris_hilton... | zzy

features :
  • flooding bot with 2k/load , unlimited save
  • multi kicker  in public room 
  • admin tool with 20ids
  • fast roll 100ids
  • bot translator indo-english/english-indo ( for this time only available 2 language
for more info please join our room "PH TEAM" or pvt galang_ | zzy | kv...

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

reset security answer id mig33

sambil menunggu jemputan di terminal pekalongan,saya sempatkan untuk menulis tentang cara reset security answer.mungkin banyak yang belum tahu cara reset security answer ,yang sebenarnya sangat mudah.bahkan beberapa orang kemudian memberikan jasa reset sq,wow - bisnis bagus yah.
ok mari simak cara mudahnya

  • sebelum reset sq,baiknya kamu tahu sejarah id yang mau kamu reset,untuk informasi penting bahwa mig33 hanya memberikan kesempatan 1x reset security,jadi bila id sudah pernah di reset sudah dipastikan GAGAL alias tidak bisa di reset sq-nya lagi untuk kedua kali
  • bila kamu sudah yakin id kamu belum pernah di reset sq,mulai step berikutnya
  • kirim email ke contact@mig33.com
              to : contact@mig33.com
              subject : request reset security answer id : __ (isi id kamu)
              message : hi staff,i lost my security anwer ,i try to change mypassword
                                but its not work,please help me to get back mysecurity aswer,
                                thanx so much

  • seperti biasa kamu akan mendapatkan email balasan dari auto reply contact support,yang berisi tiket request
  • setelah mendapat email kedua berisi beberapa pertanyaan ,jawablah pertanyaan tersebut dengan jelas,dan tepat 
  • setelah menjawab semua pertanyaan di email kedua,kamu akan mendapatkan email ketiga mengenai pemberitahuan bahwa id kamu akan segera di reset dalam waktu 48jam 
  • email ke empat ,biasanya selang 1/2 hari dari email ketiga,memberitahu kamu bahwa id kamu sudah bisa di reset security answer
  • mudah kan? bila ada kesulitan silakan pv saya *_^ 

Monday, 3 September 2012

cara transfer uang melalui bank

seringnya saya mengalami kesulitan memberi tahu para user untuk transfer uang melalui bank,banyak di antara mereka bahkan belum tahu caranya transfer uang melalui bank (wow ! mengejutkan..)
alasan yang sering di ungkapkan adalah biasanya mereka tidak mempunyai rekening di salah satu bank tertentu atau malah bahkan tak punya rekening bank sama sekali (untuk alasan yang satu ini,saya agak heran),dalam era serba tekno 2012 begini,ternyata masih banyak teman-teman yang belum mengerti hakikat bank seperti apa.
oke lanjut ke pokok topik kali ini,cara transfer uang atau mengirim uang ke rekening tertentu

  • meminta data lengkap rekening bank kepada penerima uang
  • pergi ke bank yang menjadi tujuan transfer,misal mau transfer ke bank bni,berarti kita harus ke bank bni.tak punya rekening bni? itu bukan masalah,tiap bank menyediakan formulir penyetoran uang.
  • ambil tiket antrian di pintu masuk bank
  • untuk menghindari biaya transfer yang menggunakan formulir transfer uang,lebih baik menggunakan formulir/slip penyetoran (bebas biaya)
  • isi nomor rekening dengan nomer rekening penerima
  • isi nama penerima
  • isi nama penyetor dengan nama pengirim
  • isi jumlah setoran
  • tanda tangan,serahkan ke teller
  • selesai
  • konfirmasi ke penerima uang,bahwa uang telah di transfer,dan simpan slip penyetoran sebagai tanda bukti
  • 5 menit uang sudah bisa di ambil oleh penerima

request unban id mig33

saya cukup heran mengapa banyak user berburu staff hanya untuk request unban id,padahal tidaklah sulit,mungkin untuk kasus tertentu yang membutuhkan mentor (-untuk kasus id merchant),namun untuk id biru tak perlu ribet tanya staff,disamping staff terlalu sibuk,mereka kadang juga tidak terlalu respon.ini caranya :

* kirim email ke contact@mig33.com
to : contact@mig33.com
subject : request unban id : ___ (ketik id yang mau diunban)
message : hi staff,myid got inactive by few times ago,can you please help me to active myid.its inactive without any reason why.thanx so much for your help.
best regards.

seperti biasa akan mendapat email balasan,dari autoreply contact support,lalu kemudian akan mendapat email kedua yang berisi jawaban dari permintaan unban id,bila tidak terkena kasus yang parah,biasanya akan langsung mendapat jawaban id telah aktif,namun bila id bermasalah,email akan berisi tentang banned permanent alias tidak dapat di unban.untuk kasus seperti ini biasanya mencakup tentang inviter multy,idr ilegal,penipuan,atau hal-hal yang melanggar aturan mig33 yang paten (tidak dapat diganggu gugat -red)

english version

I was quite surprised why many users hunt staff just to request unban id, but it is not difficult, it may for certain cases that need a mentor (in the case of merchant-id), but for blue id not need ask staff, as well as staff are too busy, they sometimes also not very response.

* send mail to contact@mig33.com
to : contact@mig33.com
subject : request unban id : ___ (type id)
message : hi staff,myid got inactive by few times ago,can you please help me to active myid.its inactive without any reason why.thanx so much for your help.
best regards.

as usual will get an email reply, from autoreply contact support, and then will receive a second email which contains the answer to unban request id, if not affected by severe cases, usually immediately get a response id has been active, but if id troubled, email will contain about inactive permanent aka can not be unban.
cases like this usually includes about inviter multy, idr illegal, fraudulent, or things that violate the rules of mig33 (inviolability)

Saturday, 1 September 2012

belajar html step 1

dulu saya slalu berfikir bahwa html adalah sesuatu yang sangat rumit dan sulit dipahami,namun bila kita niat tuk belajar,sesuatu yang rumit sekalipun akan menjadi lebih mudah terlihat.

*tak ada sesuatu yang mustahil tuk dilakukan,bila ada niat dan usaha*

pertama kita mencoba script sederhana tuk melihat html adalah sesuatu yang mudah.

save notepad tersebut dengan namafile.htm contoh > tes.htm
kemudian buka browser, > klik file > open file > search tes.htm > open
 tampilan pada browser akan seperti dibawah ini

lalu coba script berikut ini :

hasilnya akan seperti ini 


add multi

m=|multi;pass|multi;pass|multi;pass|multi;pass|multi;pass|  < repeat this step as u need
save name file > example > save file1

add text flood
text ¤╔╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╗¤╠╬╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╬╣¤╠╣╔══╦╗╔╦═══╗╠╣¤╠╣║╔╗║║║╠╗╔╗║╠╣¤╠╣║╚╝║╚╝║║║║║╠╣¤╠╣║╔═╣╔╗║║║║║╠╣¤╠╣║║═║║║╠╝╚╝║╠╣¤╠╣╚╝═╚╝╚╩═══╝╠╣¤╠╬╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╦╬╣¤╚╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╩╝¤

text /me  ╔══════════════╗ ║╔══╗╔╗─────╔╗─║ ║║╬╬║║║─────║║─║ ║║╬╬║║╚══╗╔═╝║─║ ║║╔═╝║╔═╗║║╬╬║─║ ║║║──║║─║║║╬╬║─║ ║╚╝──╚╝─╚╝╚══╝─║ ╚══════════════╝ :x:x

text ¤███████████████¤███████████████¤█╔══╗╔╗╔╗╔═══╗█¤█║╔╗║║║║║╚╗╔╗║█¤█║╚╝║║╚╝║█║║║║█¤█║╔═╝║╔╗║█║║║║█¤█║║██║║║║╔╝╚╝║█¤█╚╝██╚╝╚╝╚═══╝█¤███████████████¤███████████████
repeat this step as u wish

savf name file > example > savf flood1

Thursday, 30 August 2012

create batch file

batch file includes the series of DOS command, and is commonly for the automation of tasks that are often performed. Instead of typing the same commands over and over again,and how we will create a batch file?

 follow these steps :
start > all programs > accessories > notepad
click save > save as > namefile.bat -click all files below field (txt) 


After you've been able to create a batch file, you can start learning to make simple programs

 below is one example of a batch file I created

The program will open my blog page automatically when I double-click on a batch file

command prompt for beginners

based on my experience are just learning about the world of computers and the Internet as well as programs that can be run, I wanted to share what little I know, may be useful.

-learn from simple things, from the smallest thing, would be a great thing-

to open a command prompt
start> run> cmd
start> all programs> accessories> command prompt

looks like this:

The following commands are commonly used cmd :

This command is useful to know the pc connection to a particular site

ping name site/ gateway / ip address

ping www.mig33.com 
ping gateway.mig33.com

to send a connection request is continuously

ping www.mig33.com -t
ping -t

command to find out information about configuration a network or Internet connection
ipconfig / all <aggregate information, here we can find out information about the gateway, subnetmask, phsycal address, and the IP address used


command to know the connection point run to reach a destination site
tracert gateway.mig33.com <example


command to determine TCP / IP is being actively used

command to know the ip address used of a domain name

command to clean up or delete the temporary files , recycle bin

command to know about all the commands that can be used in cmd


Wednesday, 29 August 2012

link mobile application mig33

mobile application click here 
or want create your own theme click here 
pvt derka | ph-team

maintain the health of your computer

the things that you should know to maintain health and performance of your computer

  • use appropriate anti-virus program, and do regularly to avoid buildup undetected virus on your computer
  • organize the files on the computer with defragment hard drive, it can facilitate a computer search for needed data Instantly
  • using CCleaner software, this software can help you clean your windows computer, and make a computer work faster of course, to download it click here 
  • maintain the cleanliness of the place around the computer, clean your computer of dust regularly, large amount of dust that infiltrated the computer machines are often in many cases make a poor computer performance. and should use special brush or special cleaner.
  •  remove programs that are not important or useful
  •  clean the recycle bin periodically, a lot of data in the recycle bin can cause slow reading of computer hard disk
  • using a fan or maintain ventilation for reduce the heat on the computer
  • using ups, stavolt or voltage stabilizer, which is a tool to stabilize the voltage flowing into the computer, and avoid damage to the computer when the power goes out unexpectedly.

versi indo 

 hal-hal yang sebaiknya kamu ketahui untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kinerja komputer  :

  • gunakan program anti-virus , dan lakukan secara teratur untuk menghindari penumpukan virus terdeteksi pada komputer
  •  mengatur file-file pada komputer dengan hard drive defragment, dapat memudahkan pencarian komputer untuk data yang dibutuhkan Seketika
  •  menggunakan software CCleaner, software ini dapat membantu  membersihkan dan merapikan data komputer, membuat komputer bekerja lebih cepat tentunya, untuk men-download klik disini
  • menjaga kebersihan tempat di sekitar komputer, membersihkan komputer kamu dari debu secara teratur, banyaknya debu yang menyusup ke mesin komputer sering dalam banyak kasus membuat kinerja komputer menjadi lambat,dapat menggunakan sikat khusus atau pembersih khusus.
  • menghapus program yang tidak penting atau berguna
  • membersihkan recycle bin secara berkala, banyak data di recycle bin dapat menyebabkan pembacaan lambat dari komputer hard disk
  • menggunakan kipas atau mengatur sirkulasi udara untuk mengurangi panas pada komputer
  • menggunakan ups, stavolt atau voltage stabilizer , yang merupakan alat untuk menstabilkan tegangan yang mengalir ke dalam komputer, dan menghindari kerusakan pada komputer saat listrik padam tak terduga.

long distance relationship

apart from the number of virtual fraud love, some people are really successful long-distance relationship with a virtual boyfriend in cyberspace. example my friend she finally did marry virtual boyfriend whom she met in friendship site yahoo.com, or even my brother who has a boyfriend of friendship in facebook.com , or one of the others from the other friendship sites,like mig33.com

and this time I want to write about long-distance romance that is more about communication in a virtual world chat, sms, or by phone. in this type of romance, a bit hard to not like a face-to-face relationships directly, it takes a few tips for certain a lasting relationship like this.


This is the most important, to maintain a relationship in any type, to communicate in a language that is easily understood by both of you.
very funny when one of you is hard to understand the language pair, or talk about a topic that is really difficult to understand by one of you,use language and topics that you both enjoy.
not how often you communicate, but how qualified communication between you two.


committed in a relationship is to keeping two of you jointly to take responsibility for maintaining a fixed relationship goes well, committed to keeping each other's feelings, or committed to be faithful, or you can also commit the time required to communicate by phone, sms , chat for example.


build the trust between you, avoiding some of the things that might reducing trust between you .be honest is a good thing to keep the trust of your partner.


attention to your partner to make him feel needed, and meaning in your life, will grow feelings of affection every day and not feel bored with your relationship. how busy you are, take a moment of your time to ask how she/he was,even just 5 minutes by call or  sms.

safety cyber love

many people in the end will fall in love in the virtual world with their virtual friends, but do you know there are many who make such relationships as a venue for fraud. like for example asking for some money to the partner by reason of illness, family illness, or no money. or even asked to send a number of virtual credits to partner to play games, or anything associated with pleasure cyberspace.how to prevent this so that does not happen to us? I'll give you some tips,

  •  if you are a man and  have a virtual girlfriend, make sure that she was really a woman, sometimes a female id fraudsters use to deceive men or otherwise, by calling that person more often, or at an in suspected
  •  do not talk too much about your income to your virtual friends
  •  if you want to be more serious in touch with your virtual friends, make sure you are indeed able to meet in the real world, if not already determined only be wasted things done
  •  do not send money or stuff if you are not able to ensure that your virtual friend does sincerely love you
  •  find out more about your virtual friends to friends around, a well known fraudster will be easier, and often change partners with ease or have a lot of girlfriends/boyfriends
  •  and the last believe in your intuition, your heart will tell you which ones can be trusted or not

versi indo

banyak orang pada akhirnya menggunakan dunia maya sebagai ajang mencari pacar,tapi tau kah kamu,bahwa banyak juga yang memanfaatkan cara ini untuk menipu seseorang atas nama cinta?
beberapa orang seringkali meminta sejumlah uang atau meminta dibelikan sesuatu barang yang terkadang jumlahnya sangat berlebihan.saya akan mencoba memberi tips agar kamu terhindar dengan penipuan semacam ini.

  • jika kamu seorang laki-laki dan mempunyai pacar virtual seorang perempuan,pastikan bahwa dia benar-benar perempuan,karena terkadang banyak penipu menggunakan id perempuan untuk menipu laki-laki,atau juga sebaliknya,dengan cara menelponya disaat-saat tak terduga .
  • jangan bercerita banyak tentang penghasilan/ kekayaan kamu kepada pacar virtual mu
  • jika kamu merasa sudah jatuh cinta,dan ingin benar-benar berhubungan secara serius dengan pacar virtualmu,baiknya segera temui dia di dunia nyata,dan jangan sampai jatuh cinta dengan orang yang salah.
  • jangan mengirim sejumlah uang atau barang bila belum merasa yakin dengan pacar virtualmu
  • cari tahu lebih banyak tentang pacar virtual mu kepada teman-teman yang mengenalnya
  • dan yang terakhir,kembali kepada kata hati kamu,kata hati itu tidak pernah bohong,kamu bisa tahu seseorang yang bisa dipercaya atau tidak

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

chatting fun in mig33 by mobile

i loved mig33 alot,more than facebook,twitter,ebuddy,etc ,do you know why ?
in mig33 we can also connect to another social profile ,all in one .by one application can chat to all social profiles .its fun ! 

if you want using web you can go to this site www.mig33.com
but if you want using mobile,first you should download mobile application by wap.mig33.com ,then sign up for new user.

now you can start chatting > login > search room > join room > start chat

to connect to all another instant messenger 
go to menu> im > edit im (yahoo,facebook,gtalk,msn) > login

want update status in your facebook or twitter ?
go to menu > miniblog >share to facebook/twitter 

mig33 support many mobile example : nokia,sony ericson,samsung, LG ,android ,blackberry (blackberry not recommended,always got dc using this phone -red)

versi indo 

saya sangat menyukai mig33 , lebih dari facebook, twitter, ebuddy, dll, apakah kamu tahu mengapa?

di mig33 kita juga dapat menghubungkan ke profil sosial, semua dalam satu aplikasi dapat chatting ke semua profil sosial .menyenangkan.!

jika kamu ingin menggunakan web, klik situs ini www.mig33.com

tetapi jika kamu ingin menggunakan ponsel, pertama-tama kamu harus men-download aplikasi mobile dengan wap.mig33.com, kemudian mendaftar untuk pengguna baru.

 untuk terhubung ke semua  instant messenger lain

masuk ke menu
> im> Edit im (yahoo, facebook, gtalk, msn)> Login

mengupdate status di facebook atau twitter ?
masuk ke menu>> miniblog ke facebook / twitter

mendukung beberapa hape Contoh hape : nokia, sony ericson, samsung, LG, android, blackberry (blackberry tidak dianjurkan, selalu dc saat menggunakan ponsel ini-red)

resolve application crash

application not responding

* start > run > taskmgr >end task or ctrl+alt+del > end task

application not run / crash

* computer > properties > advance > setting >dataexecution prevention > add extract file > apply > ok

* right click application > properties > compability > compability mode > set in old version > apply > ok

* update application with latest version if still not run

application not open / missing file ( mig33 application)

* open ocx folder inside your application folder > register ocx

Saturday, 25 August 2012

how to buy mig33 credits ?

some newbie user might still dunno how to buy mig33 credits,some country so hard to find merchant who sell credits ,actually its very easy !
go to merchant center from your menu mig33,you will find merchant list from any country ,they're trusted so don't worry  they won't cheat.for cheating issue you can report to contact@mig33.com ,staff will dissolve your problem,dont forget to take snap for each your transaction(recommended)

its easy nah ? enjoy your chatting ,express your self with emoticons,gifts,avatar from mig33

messenger pc recommended

login mig33 by web sometimes always got dc , its very uncomfortable while we're chatting rite ?
many user always ask me about what's messenger im use
i'm using migwar chat v4 for messenger,i loved this messenger alot ,u shud try this also

 its not free messenger,you shud register before using more info pvt bisa-gila 

INFO : jobs in mig33

i just read about jobs in mig33 , if you interest to work in mig33 , check this out

UX Designer
Software Engineer (Server-side Java)

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:
IT Operations Director
Senior Systems Engineer
Web Development Manager
Software Test Engineer

Business Development Manager ***New Listing
Business Director
Graphic Designer
Administrative Officer
Senior Marcomms Manager
Community Manager

If you are interested to work at mig33, please send your CV to jobs@mig33global.com

more info please click this link http://blog.mig33.com/about-us/jobs/

how to buy short id without cheating

short id between 3 - 5 digits cannt create anymore,if we want some like kind that id ,so we need to buy to some seller whome had that kind ids.but sometimes we always got cheated by some seller,we send credit,he not give password of id,so i will tell you how to make a deal with seller without cheating.

  • just buy from trusted seller,if u wanna know about trusted seller go to some room with keyword "gemination" ,ask senior seller or admin room about seller id which u want buy his id.go to famous gemination room or seller room,there're many fake gemination room also.recommended room are : geminationsuka , geminationlive , geminationteam , etc
  • use trusted mediator or shipper,when u make a deal,thats mean this someone will help your deal,seller give his id password to mediator after checking then u send credits to mediator,mediator send your credits to seller,and mediator give password to you

  • checking id which you want buy,it's valid id or someone's else having or available to sell

  • don't make deal with someone you didn't know about his credibility,better make deal with famous seller

  • enjoy your deal without cheating !
 versi indo 
 bagaimana cara membeli id cebol dengan aman :
  •  membeli id hanya kepada penjual yang terpercaya,untuk mengecek penjual terpercaya atau tidak,silakan kunjungi room gemination,dan bertanya kepada mode senior atau admin room tentang penjual id tersebut,gunakan rekomendasi mereka.

  • gunakan perantara bila ragu untuk melakukan transaksi jual-beli,untuk rekomendasi perantara terpercaya,silakan kunjungi rum gemination

  • sebelum membeli id,baiknya di cek profile id tersebut,apakah benar-benar milik sang penjual atau bukan

  • selamat bertransaksi !

Friday, 24 August 2012

how to protect your mig33 id ?

nowadays in mig33 ,there're many ids got hacked or cracked.
hacker or cracker may using some tool to crack or hack some ids.
the tool how the application is randomizing some combination of words and numbers password, or the latest applications such combination scrambles to answer security id.
and then how to make secure the id from act of the hackers and crackers?

below several ways to secure your id

  • use a combination of numbers and letters that are complicated and long and use the space in some parts for the security answer your id
  • do not share your password and security answer also your id number to people who are not trusted
  • use applications from the official mig33 or messenger pc trusted
  • save data of id with complete  
 versi indo 

 tips aman proteksi id 

  • menggunakan kombinasi angka dan huruf yang rumit dan panjang dan menggunakan spasi di beberapa bagian untuk security anwer
  • tidak berbagi password kamu dan security answer  juga  nomor hape id kamu ke orang yang tidak dipercaya
  • menggunakan aplikasi dari mig33 resmi atau messenger untuk pc yang dipercaya
  • menyimpan data id dengan lengkap

bye bye dc (hape/mobile)

mig33 update banyak rules sistem operational ,entah karena bugs atau karena sistem baru banyak user yang akhirnya susah tuk login mig , lebih menderita bila pake java atau hape jadul -- dipastikan akan sering ngalamin dc berkali kali atau mungkin ratusan kali dalam sehari --tersiksa :(

gue jarang login via hape,seringnya pc ,walau begitu tetap saja terkena dampak susah login 
--oh mygod 
sekalinya gue login hape,ternyata emang sulit banget tuk bisa login 
nih tipsnya kalo mau ngemig tanpa dc 

untuk pengguna hape

- bila kena detect ip, aplikasi yang digunakan di remove atau di refresh gunakan aplikasi baru
- usahakan selalu gunakan aplikasi resmi dari mig33 , jangan yang editan -- bisa suspen id
- slalu cek koneksi sebelum mencoba login,atau setting manual koneksi gateway nya
- pastikan gunakan provider kartu yang koneksinya paling banter di lokasi mu

english version 

if you're login mig33 by mobile but always got dc many times ,
there're several ways you need to try

  • if got ip detected , remove your application and redownload again
  • always use application from official mig33 ,if not your id may get suspen
  • check manual setting your mobile connection , sometimes happen because of poor network connection provider

Saturday, 18 August 2012




request create text flood pvt ph-team

▒▓█▒▓█▒▓█▒▓█▒▓█▒ ▒▓█╔══╗╔╗─╔╗╔══╗ ▒▓█║╬╬║║║─║║║╔═╝ ▒▓█║╬╬║║╚═╝║║╚═╗ ▒▓█║╔═╝║╔═╗║║╔═╝ ▒▓█║║──║║─║║║║── ▒▓█╚╝──╚╝─╚╝╚╝──  ▒▓█▒▓█▒▓█▒▓█▒▓█▒ 

☆★P-E-R-U-S-U-H☆★☆  ╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥ ╫╔═╦═╦═╦╦╦═╦╦╦╗─╫ ╫║╬║╬║╬║║║═╣║║╚╗╫ ╫║╔╣═╣═╣║╠═║║║║║╫ ╫╚╩╩═╩╩╩═╩═╩═╩╩╝╫  ╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨ [P-E-R-U-S-U-H] BY : ZZY B-)

[P-E-R-U-S-U-H] ◣◥╔══╗╔╗─────╔╗ ◣◥║╬╬║║║─────║║ ◣◥║╬╬║║╚══╗╔═╝║ ◣◥║╔═╝║╔═╗║║╬╬║ ◣◥║║──║║─║║║╬╬║ ◣◥╚╝──╚╝─╚╝╚══╝ [ZZY]

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╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤ ╫╔══╗╔══╗╔═╗╔═╗╫  ╫╚═╗║╚═╗║║─║║─║╫ ╫╔═╝║╔═╝║║─╚╝─║╫ ╫║╔═╝║╔═╝╚═╗╔═╝╫ ╫║╚═╗║╚═╗──║║──╫ ╫╚══╝╚══╝──╚╝──╫ ╞╡╞╡╞╡╞╡╞╡╞╡╞╡╞╡


◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣ ▲←╔╗╔╗╔═╦═╦╦╗→▲◄←║║║║║╬║╔╣║║→◄▼←║╚╣║║║║║║═╣→▼►←║╬║╚╣║║╚╣║║→►▲←╚═╩═╩╩╩═╩╩╝→▲◄╔═╦╗╔═╦═╗╔╦═╦╦╗ ▼║═╣║║║║║║║║║║╔╝ ►║╔╣║║║║║╠╝║║║║ ▲║║║╚╣║║║║╬║═╣║ ◄╚╝╚═╩═╩═╩═╩═╩╝ ◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣ B-) BLACK━FLOODER B-)

/me ╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫ ╟──────────────╢ ╟╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╦═╦╦╦╗╢ ╟║║║║║╔╣║║═╣║║║╢ ╟║║║║║║║║╠╗║║║╚╗ ╟║╔╣╩╣║║║║║║║║║║ ╟╚╝╚═╩╝╚═╩═╩═╩╩╝ ╟──────────────╢ ╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫
╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫ ╟──────────────╢ ╟╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╦═╦╦╦╗╢ ╟║║║║║╔╣║║═╣║║║╢ ╟║║║║║║║║╠╗║║║╚╗ ╟║╔╣╩╣║║║║║║║║║║ ╟╚╝╚═╩╝╚═╩═╩═╩╩╝ ╟──────────────╢ ╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫

/me ╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤╤ ╫╔══╗╔══╗╔═╗╔═╗╫  ╫╚═╗║╚═╗║║─║║─║╫ ╫╔═╝║╔═╝║║─╚╝─║╫ ╫║╔═╝║╔═╝╚═╗╔═╝╫ ╫║╚═╗║╚═╗──║║──╫ ╫╚══╝╚══╝──╚╝──╫ ╞╡╞╡╞╡╞╡╞╡╞╡╞╡╞╡ :D:D
╔══╗╔══╗╔═╗╔═╗  ╚═╗║╚═╗║║─║║─║ ╔═╝║╔═╝║║─╚╝─║ ║╔═╝║╔═╝╚═╗╔═╝ ║╚═╗║╚═╗──║║── ╚══╝╚══╝──╚╝──

/me ╔══════════════╗ ║─╔══╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╗─║ ║─║═╬║║║═║╔╣║║─║ ║─║══╣║║╬║║║═╣▂ ║─║═╬║╚╣║║╚╣║║─║ ║─╚══╩═╩╩╩═╩╩╝─║ ║╔═╦╗╔═╦═╗╔╦═╦╦╗ ║║═╣║║║║║║║║╬║╔╝ ║║╔╣║║║║║╠╝║╬║║║ ║║║║╚╣║║║║╬║═╣║║ ║╚╝╚═╩═╩═╩═╩═╩╝║ ╚══════════════╝ B-) BLACK━FLOODER B-)

╔══════════════╗ ║─╔══╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╗─║ ║─║═╬║║║═║╔╣║║─║ ║─║══╣║║╬║║║═╣▂ ║─║═╬║╚╣║║╚╣║║─║ ║─╚══╩═╩╩╩═╩╩╝─║ ║╔═╦╗╔═╦═╗╔╦═╦╦╗ ║║═╣║║║║║║║║╬║╔╝ ║║╔╣║║║║║╠╝║╬║║║ ║║║║╚╣║║║║╬║═╣║║ ║╚╝╚═╩═╩═╩═╩═╩╝║ ╚══════════════╝ B-) BLACK━FLOODER B-)

╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥ ╫╔═╦═╦═╦╦╦═╦╦╦╗─╫ ╫║╬║╬║╬║║║═╣║║╚╗╫ ╫║╔╣═╣═╣║╠═║║║║║╫ ╫╚╩╩═╩╩╩═╩═╩═╩╩╝╫  ╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨ :p by.P-E-R-U-S-U-H :p
/me ╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥╥ ╫╔═╦═╦═╦╦╦═╦╦╦╗─╫ ╫║╬║╬║╬║║║═╣║║╚╗╫ ╫║╔╣═╣═╣║╠═║║║║║╫ ╫╚╩╩═╩╩╩═╩═╩═╩╩╝╫  ╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨╨ :p @P-E-R-U-S-U-H :p

/me ╔═════════════╗:-* ║╔══╗╔╗─╔╗╔══╗║:-* ║║╬╬║║║─║║║╔═╝║:-* ║║╬╬║║╚═╝║║╚═╗║:-* ║║╔═╝║╔═╗║║╔═╝║:-* ║║║──║║─║║║║──║:-* ║╚╝──╚╝─╚╝╚╝──║:-* ║═════════════║:-* ║╔══╗╔╗─────╔╗║:-* ║║╬╬║║║─────║║║:-* ║║╬╬║║╚══╗╔═╝║║:-* ║║╔═╝║╔═╗║║╬╬║║:-* ║║║──║║─║║║╬╬║║:-* ║╚╝──╚╝─╚╝╚══╝║:-* ╚═════════════╝:-*
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╔══════════════╗ ║╔══╗╔╗─────╔╗─║ ║║╬╬║║║─────║║─║ ║║╬╬║║╚══╗╔═╝║─║ ║║╔═╝║╔═╗║║╬╬║─║ ║║║──║║─║║║╬╬║─║ ║╚╝──╚╝─╚╝╚══╝─║ ╚══════════════╝ :x:x
◣◥╔══╗╔╗─╔╗──╔╗ ◣◥║╬╬║║║─║║──║║ ◣◥║╬╬║║╚═╝║╔═╝║ ◣◥║╔═╝║╔═╗║║╬╬║ ◣◥║║──║║─║║║╬╬║ ◣◥╚╝──╚╝─╚╝╚══╝ :x

/me ¤██████████████¤██████████████¤█╔══╗╔╗╔╗╔══╗█¤█║╔╗║║║║║║╔═╝█¤█║╚╝║║╚╝║║╚═╗█¤█║╔═╝║╔╗║║╔═╝█¤█║║██║║║║║║███¤█╚╝██╚╝╚╝╚╝███¤██████████████¤██████████████¤

╓┼╖╓┼╖╓┼╖╓┼╖╓┼╖ ╫╔═╗╔═╗═╔═╗╔╦╗╫ ╫║╬║║║║═╠═║║║║╫ ╫║═╣║║╚╗║═╣╠═║╫ ╫╚═╝╚══╝╚═╝╚═╝╫ ╨┼╨┼╨┼╨┼╨┼╨┼╨┼╨ :x eazy :x

/me ╓┼╖╓┼╖╓┼╖╓┼╖╓┼╖ ╫╔═╗╔═╗═╔═╗╔╦╗╫ ╫║╬║║║║═╠═║║║║╫ ╫║═╣║║╚╗║═╣╠═║╫ ╫╚═╝╚══╝╚═╝╚═╝╫ ╨┼╨┼╨┼╨┼╨┼╨┼╨┼╨  e a z y :D @P-E-R-U-S-U-H
◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥:D ◣◢ ╔═╦═╦═╦╦╗ ◣◢:D ◣◢ ║╬║╬╠═║║║ ◣◢:D ◣◢ ║═╣║║═╬═║ ◣◢:D ◣◢ ╚═╩╩╩═╩═╝ ◣◢:D ◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥:D

╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫ ╫╫───────────╫╫ ╫╫─╔═╗╔═╗╔╦╗─╫╫ ╫╫─╠═║╠═║║║║─╫╫ ╫╫─║═╣║═╣╠═║─╫╫ ╫╫─╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝─╫╫ ╫╫───────────╫╫ ╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫

/me ╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫ ╫╫───────────╫╫ ╫╫─╔═╗╔═╗╔╦╗─╫╫ ╫╫─╠═║╠═║║║║─╫╫ ╫╫─║═╣║═╣╠═║─╫╫ ╫╫─╚═╝╚═╝╚═╝─╫╫ ╫╫───────────╫╫ ╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫

/me ╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫ ╟──────────────╢ ╟╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╦═╦╦╦╗╢ ╟║║║║║╔╣║║═╣║║║╢ ╟║║║║║║║║╠╗║║║╚╗ ╟║╔╣╩╣║║║║║║║║║║ ╟╚╝╚═╩╝╚═╩═╩═╩╩╝ ╟──────────────╢ ╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫╫ B-) P-E-R-U-S-U-H B-)

/me ╪┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬╪ ╔═╦╦╦═╦╦╗╔╦╦═╦╦╗ ║═╣║║╔╣═╣║║║║║║║ ║╔╣║║╚╣║║╠╣║║║║║ ╚╩╩═╩═╩╩╝╚═╩═╩═╝  ╫╫≡─╔═╗╔╗─╔╗──≡╫ ╫╫≡─║║║║║─║║──≡╫ ╫╫≡─║╬║║╚╗║╚╗─≡╫ ╫╫≡─╚╩╝╚═╝╚═╝─≡╫ ╪┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴╪

/me  ╬█░█╬◄█◣▲◢█◄:(► ╬█▓█╬▲█◣►◢█►:-O▼ ╬█▒█╬►█◣▼◢█◄:(▲ ╬█▓█╬▼█◣◄◢█▼:-O◄ ╬█▒█╬▲█◣▼◢█►:(▼ ╬█░█╬◄█◣►◢█▼:-O► ╬█▓█╬▼█◣▲◢█◄:(▲ ╬█▒█╬►█◣◄◢█▲:-O► ╬█▓█╬▲█◣►◢█►:(◄ ╬█▒█╬▼█◣▼◢█◄:-O▲ ╬█░█╬◄█◣▲◢█►:(◄ ╬█░█╬◄█◣▲◢█◄:(► ╬█▓█╬▲█◣►◢█►:-O▼ ╬█▒█╬►█◣▼◢█◄:(▲ ╬█▓█╬▼█◣◄◢█▼:-O◄ ╬█▒█╬▲█◣▼◢█►:(▼ ╬█░█╬◄█◣►◢█▼:-O►

╬█▒█╬██►▲╬██▓█:( ╬█▒█╬██▼◄█▓█▓:-O ╬█▒█╬██◄▼╬██▓█:( ╬█▒█╬██▲►█▓█▓:-O ╬█▒█╬██►▲╬██▓█:( ╬█▒█╬██▼◄█▓█▓:-O ╬█▒█╬██◄▼╬██▓█:( ╬█▒█╬██▲►█▓█▓:-O ╬█▒█╬██►▲╬██▓█:( ╬█▒█╬██▼◄█▓█▓:-O ╬█▒█╬██◄▼╬██▓█:( ╬█▒█╬██▲►█▓█▓:-O ╬█▒█╬██►▲╬██▓█:( ╬█▒█╬██▼◄█▓█▓:-O ╬█▒█╬██◄▼╬██▓█:( ╬█▒█╬██▲►█▓█▓:-O ╬█▒█╬██►▲╬██▓█:( ╬█▒█╬██▼◄█▓█▓:-O

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