- kirim email via email mig
subject : request reset pin merchant
message : hi staff,i want request reset mypin merchant,and using myown email to use. thanx
biasanya akan langsung mendapat email balasan dari autoreply email,dan mendapat nomer tiket permintaan.gaq usah dibalas,itu balasan automatis dari email penjawab.
setelah mendapat email kedua,barulah beri jawaban dari smua pertanyaan yang diberikan,biasanya akan kesulitan menjawab pertanyaan : siapa yang telah mengajak anda bergabung di program ini ?
nah untuk menjawab tersebut,sign up dulu di merchant center,lalu kemudian gunakan nama yang merekomendasikan id kamu sebagai jawaban pertanyaan itu.
gaq tau email yang jadi email pin merchant sebelumnya?beri jawaban : using mymentor's mail
setelah email ketiga,pin merchant kamu sudah bisa di reset,alias gaq ada pin merchant lagi,bisa dibiarkan kosong atau menggunakan pin baru.
sumber : paris_hilton... (add yaw! :p )
english version
send mail by yourmig33's mail
to : merchant@mig33.com
subject : request reset pin merchant
message : hi staff,i want request reset mypin merchant,and using myown email to use. thanx
usually Instantly receive a reply email from the email autoreply, and got ticket number request. do not have to reply, that reply automatically from answering email.
after receiving the second email, then give the answer to the question given all functions, usually have trouble answering the question: who has invited you to join in this program?
well to answer it, sign up first in the merchant center, and then use the name id recommend you as an answer to that question.
didnt know what was previous email for your pin merchant ? give an answer: using mymentor's mail
after the third email, you've been able to merchants pin reset, aka no pin merchant again, can be left blank or use a new pin.
source: paris_hilton ... (add yaw!: p)
nyonk .. nice blog , xaxaxaxaxaxa