* kirim email ke contact@mig33.com
to : contact@mig33.comsubject : request unban id : ___ (ketik id yang mau diunban)
message : hi staff,myid got inactive by few times ago,can you please help me to active myid.its inactive without any reason why.thanx so much for your help.
best regards.
seperti biasa akan mendapat email balasan,dari autoreply contact support,lalu kemudian akan mendapat email kedua yang berisi jawaban dari permintaan unban id,bila tidak terkena kasus yang parah,biasanya akan langsung mendapat jawaban id telah aktif,namun bila id bermasalah,email akan berisi tentang banned permanent alias tidak dapat di unban.untuk kasus seperti ini biasanya mencakup tentang inviter multy,idr ilegal,penipuan,atau hal-hal yang melanggar aturan mig33 yang paten (tidak dapat diganggu gugat -red)
english version
* send mail to contact@mig33.com
to : contact@mig33.comsubject : request unban id : ___ (type id)
message : hi staff,myid got inactive by few times ago,can you please help me to active myid.its inactive without any reason why.thanx so much for your help.
best regards.
as usual will get an email reply, from autoreply contact support, and then will receive a second email which contains the answer to unban request id, if not affected by severe cases, usually immediately get a response id has been active, but if id troubled, email will contain about inactive permanent aka can not be unban.
cases like this usually includes about inviter multy, idr illegal, fraudulent, or things that violate the rules of mig33 (inviolability)
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